Saturday, August 31, 2019

Arousal, Behavior, Stress, and Affect Worksheet Essay

What are the differences between physiological and psychological needs? Provide examples of each in your response. Need theories postulate that motivation is rooted on the fulfillment of once needs. Therefore, one acts and behaves in order to satisfy a need, there are many kinds and types of needs that several theorists have expounded along the years. One of the most popular need theories on motivation is that of Abraham Maslow. The hierarchy of needs differentiates between physiological and psychological needs. Physiological needs are those basic needs that must be met for survival of the individual like food, shelter, clothing and sex. Physiological needs also have to be immediately satisfied as it is crucial for the existence and stability of the human body. For example, if a person is hungry then all other functions may be affected and it would cause the person to be dizzy, to feel weak and be unable to work on tasks or even to exist. Psychological needs are needs that are basically psychological nature and those that contribute to the well-being of the individual. For example, need for belongingness is a construct that enables us to quantify the need of people for building relationships and being part of a group or family. Psychological needs can be satisfied immediately or it can be delayed, however a person’s sense of well-being and happiness is often associated with the fulfillment of psychological needs. Moreover, according to Maslow, psychological needs have to be satisfied in order, some needs are higher than others and it motivates people to fulfill the said needs incrementally, for example they can only begin to think about self-actualization if the individual has not been able to attain esteem needs such as the mastery of one’s profession. What is the relationship between arousal and behavior? Does this relationship impact performance and affect? A person’s behavior is said to be driven by a stimulus that is a person is aroused to act in response to the stimulus that aroused the behavior. Arousal is the state in which a person or organism is prepared for action. The brain signals the specific organs in the body to react to the stimulus, if the arousal is weak then the response may also be weak. In other cases, if the arousal is strong, then the reaction may also be strong. However, there are cases when prolonged arousal is detrimental to the body as it may result to heightened arousal which results to chronic stress. Behavior is the actions that an individual manifests in response to a stimulus. One’s behavior depends on the stimulus and the state of arousal of the individual. The relationship between arousal and behavior also affects performance and affect. For example, the level of performance of the individual can be increased by the state of arousal in the person. Arousal may come from several sources like the promise of reward or even punishment. At the same time, the individual’s performance may also become decreased because the person is not motivated which may translate to lower arousal state. Affect is also contingent on behavior and arousal. If the person likes what he/she is doing it would then motivate him/her to perform better. When a person desires the behavior and finds it meaningful and important, then that person would have positive feelings for that behavior and hence increase performance. On the other hand, if the person has negative feelings about the behavior then performance would also be affected. What are the long-term and short-term effects of stress on the body, brain, and behavior?   Stress is both a good and bad thing for the body, brain and behavior of man. Stress motivates the person to act and behave in ways that would lessen or eradicate the stress. Stress may come from an event, a person, a situation or even from a personal problem. Stress affects the individual by motivating them to act or confront the behavior but it is also possible that people would evade the stressor as a means of coping with stress. Short-term effects of stress are beneficial to the body but long-term stress is not.   Prolonged stress has many physiological effects; stress may bring the body heightened arousal which is manifested by increased heart rate, sweating, sleeplessness, nervousness and the like. The body can only take too much stress, and if the body is subjected to too much stress it may result to fatigue, sickness and certain illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and the like. Stress can also wreak havoc to the person’s brain that is too much stress has been found to be the cause of post traumatic stress disorder which is a mental disorder and can lead to psychotic breaks. Due to very stressful situations or experiences that may result to trauma, the brain reacts to the stress to lessen it and hence tricks the brain into remembering only those events that are safe and provided a sense of security for the person. Prolonged stress can also cause behavioral symptoms such as erratic behavior, irrational thinking and low frustration tolerance. The natural response of the body to stress is to take control of it, but sometimes stress may be too much for the body. Reference   Weinberg, R. S. & Gould, D. (2007). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Humans Kinetics.

Friday, August 30, 2019


As an MBA student you need to study Managerial Economics which is concerned with decisionmaking by managers. As you all are aware that the main Job of managers is decision making only. Before making a decision one has to take into accounts so many things. And here comes theimportance of managerial economics. Meaning of Economics: Economics can be called as social science dealing with economics problem and man's economic behavior. It deals with economic behavior of man in society in respect of consumption, production;distribution etc. conomics can be called as an unending science.There are almost as many definitions of economy as there are economists. We know that definition of subject is to be expected but at this stage it is more useful to set out few examples of the sort of issueswhich concerns professional economists. Example: For e. g. most of us want to lead an exciting life i. e. life full of excitements, adventures etc. butunluckily we do not always have the resources necessar y to do everything we want to do. Thereforechoices have to be made or in the words of economists individuals have to decide—–â€Å"how toallocate scarce resources in the most effective ways†.For this a body of economic principles and concepts has been developed to explain how people andalso business react in this situation. Economics provide optimum utilization of scarce resources to achieve the desired result. It providesthe basis for decision making. Economics can be studied under two heads:l) Micro Economics2) Macro EconomicsMicro Economics: It has been defined as that branch where the unit of study is an individual, firm or household. Itstudies how individual ake their choices about what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce, and what price to charge.It is also known as the price theory is the main source of conceptsand analytical tools for managerial decision making. Various micro-economic concepts such as demand, supply, elasticity of demand and supply, marginalcost, various market forms, etc. are of great significance to managerial economics. 1 Macro Economics: It's not only individuals and forms who are faced with having to make choices. Governments facemany such problems. For e. g. How much to spend on healthHow uch to spend on servicesHow much should go in to providing social security benefits.This is the same type of problem facing all of us in our daily lives but in different scales. lt studies the economics as a whole. It is aggregative in character and takes the entire economic as aunit of study. Macro economics helps in the area of forecasting. It includes National Income,aggregate consumption, investments, employment etc. Meaning of managerial economics: It is another branch in the science of economics. Sometimes it is interchangeably used with businesseconomics. Managerial economic is concerned with decision making at the level of firm.It has beendescribed as an economics applied to decision economic theory a nd managerial practices. lt is defined as application of economic theory and methodology to decision making process by themanagement of the business firms. In it economic theories and concepts are used to solve practical business problem. It lies on the borderline of economic and management. It helps in decision makingunder uncertainty and improves effectiveness of the organization. The basic purpose of managerial economic is to show how economic nalysis can be used informulating business plans.Definitions of managerial economics: In the words of Mc Nair and Merriam,† Managerial Economics consists of use of economic modes of thought to analyze business situation†. According to Spencer and Seigelman†Ã¢â‚¬ it is defined as the integration of economic theory with business practice for the purpose of facilitating decision making and forward planning by themanagement†. Economic provides optimum utilization of scarce resource to achieve the desired result.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Renaissance Period 1350 -1600 in italy Essay

The Renaissance Period 1350 -1600 in italy - Essay Example The Italy’s city-states transformed to commercial centres and unlike Europe, it never based its wealth on land but on capital and the power to lend. Politically, the nation was not as powerful as European counterparts were. However, their status as capital holders augmented growth and many nations came to them for loans. With no doubt, Renaissance Italy was principally an urban society where the city-states emerged as the centres of economic, social, and political life. There were new chances to enjoy world things as this was the time of restoration from the calamities of the 14th Century such as political disorder, economic recession, and black deaths. The major concern for human worth and individual potentiality gave rise to the new society ideal of achievements in various aspects of life. After severe upheavals of the 14th century, there was a recovery of European economy as there positive improvement in trade and manufacturing. Indeed, the Italians particularly the Venetians improved in their lifestyles, as there was expanded wealth of commerce. Throughout middle ages, the Italian society was grouped into three estates, the first or the clergy was grounded on spiritual beliefs, and secondly the nobility that based their belief that nobles offered justice and security for the society. The third category was comprised of inhabitants with peasants of the cities and towns. By 1500, the old, new, and noble that constituted of 2 and 3% of the population dominated the society holding imperative political posts and serving as kings and advisers. The new outlook of human beings began when Italians emphasized on individual ability. The Leon Battista Alberti philosophy â€Å"Men can do all things if they will† motivated many. It gave rise to human worth and individual potentiality to a new society ideal with many achievements. The family bond was the area where the mentioned philosophy was utilized. Parents regarded the need of arranged marriages for their

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mergers and Acquisitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Mergers and Acquisitions - Essay Example Before this governments believed this was a nascent industry that needed its protection. However, over the last three decades the industry has become highly competitive forcing many carriers to operate on thin margins. In fact, four of the six legacy carriers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy over the last ten years. American Airlines and Continental were the only two that did require bankruptcy protection (Harrison, 2010). US Airways is experiencing aggressive growth which is a consequence of its recent negotiations with other firms within the market. Specifically the Delta Slot Transaction whereby US Airways entered into a mutual asset purchase and sale agreement with Delta (Esterl, 2010). Pursuant to the agreement, US Airways would transfer to Delta certain assets related to flight operations at LaGuardia Airport in New York, consisting of 125 pairs of slots currently used to provide US Airways Express service at LaGuardia. Delta is expected to transfer to US Airways certain assets related to flight operations at Washington National Airport, including 42 pairs of slots, and the authority to serve Sao Paulo, Brazil and Tokyo, Japan. The agreement is structured as asset sales and is anticipated to be cash neutral to US Airways. The net benefit to the transaction is the restructuring of U.S Airways to focus its strategy and meet the growing demand. The agreement must be approved by the U.S.  Department of Justice, the DOT, the FAA and The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. If approved, this transaction will significantly increase US Airways’ capacity in the Washington,  D.C. market and improve profitability(Gibbons, 2007). US Airways is experiencing slow growth coupled with an improving competitive market position. This means that US Airways is going through a phase of concentrated growth. The Frequent Traveler Program is a great method for the company to focus on their local hubs and create loyal consumers in those markets. This will undermine the low transfer cost and incentivize ticket purchasing through their company. This program helps generate a loyal consumer base and helps differentiate between airline services. Focusing on this program is key to brand development for US Airways. The Dividend Miles program credits passengers who fly on US Airways and Star Alliance carriers. Credits can be redeemed for travel on US Airways or other participating partner airlines, whereby US Airways assumes the fee. The incremental cost method is used to account for the portion of frequent traveler program liability related to mileage credits earned by Dividend Miles members. This creates an obligation to provide future travel when credits are redeemed (Gross, 2007). II. Company Strategy The possibility for a merger between US Airways and American Airlines have been stifled twice before, but renewed interest in the merger possibility has been created as a result of economic re-stabilization. But the two companies are currently in me rger talks that would make US Airways the second largest airline. The industry reported a $60 billion dollar loss since 2000 which has spurred interest in consolidation. Even with the dramatic declines in capacity by airlines collectively, in recent years, experts believe that there are too many airlines and a shortage in travelers. A merger could help both increase the earnings per share in a smaller timeframe than either company can accomplish alone. The industry is

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Essay Example Thesis The movie reflects modern cultural and social phenomena through the lens of gender constructed along sexuality and gender inequalities. In the essays, Susan Bordo (2003) proposes a unique vision and interpretation of modern culture and gender relations between opposite sexes. She criticizes a "material" and gendered body supposing that sexualized images of women make them victims of male oppression and violence, and "sex objects". Also, the author talks about such things as "standardized visual images' and gender stereotypes, "complex crystallizations of culture" which have a significant influence on modern audience. The prestige of the individual self-reached an all-time high when new social arrangements and events dramatized the relative powerlessness of the individual leading to a devaluation of the self. The movie takes place at the beginning of 21st century in New York. It vividly reflects modern culture and values, human relations and hopes. During this period of time, gender roles and sexual relations have a great influence on the society as it is often designed to add psychological value to its existence; it plays a more important communications role in every day life than any another activity: politics or economics. It is possible to say that sexual relations (depicted between Joel and Clementine, Stan and Mary) control the circulation of ideas in modern culture. The movie is based on the idea that new gender roles and new wave of feminist movement has changed identity and the role of women in the society. New ideas and values are inherent in modern culture based on technological innovations and the Internet, globalization and the popular global culture (Jarvis, 2000). The historical context of the movie has a great impact on production and perception of its context reflected in circulation of ideas and values. Viewers understand that through a complex interaction of identification processes such as love and fear, pain and haltered between the main characters, gender differences are produced--typically in the form of a dichotomy that not only opposes masculinity to femininity but also translates these oppositional differences into gender hierarchy, the privileging of traits and activities defined as masculine over those defined as feminine (Bordo, 2003). Through a gender-sensitive lens, the storyteller portrays how constructions of masculinity (agency, control, aggression) are not independent of, but rely upon, contrasting constructions of femininity (dependence, vulnerability, passivity) of Clementine and Mary. The whole span of development, from the explosive emotions of his youth to the skeptical mysticism of his middle age, is encompassed by the desire to play a game with his life and death. Joel fits very closely in with these ideas; he is a man trapped by a conventional notion of what is 'right' and 'wrong'. The composition of the movie supports its unique interpretation of events and gender roles creating a circle of events which forces viewers to rethink and re-interpret them time and again. The film employs reverse chronology structure that depicts relationships between Joel and Clementine in reverse order, from the most painful moments to happier times. This structure helps audience to focus on the memories and emotions of the heroes and understand the essence of their relations. It is possible to assume that such chronology is used to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Orchestra metaphor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Orchestra metaphor - Research Paper Example At the same time, both conductor and project manager maintain responsibility and pay attention to coordinating role performance. An orchestra conductor is responsible for the rhythm and timing of the performance, as well as the mood and interpretation of the original composition, using fortes and pianissimos. Similarly, a project manager must be sensitive to the rhythm of a project, the timing of individual contributions, and the mood and interpretation of the original project proposal goals, intuiting when to push firmly and when to be gentle. The conductor accepts audience appreciation with dignity, and directs appreciation to orchestra members. A good project manager does the same. Unlike orchestra conductors, project managers coordinate with department heads, media, government officials, lawyers, graphic artists, etc., using a sense of humor to keep perspective, and bring everything in on time and under budget. Politician may be an appropriate metaphor. The most important quality to have is excellent communication skills, because a project manager must ask the right questions (, influence people, and inspire and communicate shared vision (Bennis).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Gastrointestinal Disorders I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gastrointestinal Disorders I - Essay Example H. pylori is transmitted through contaminated food and water, and spreads through contact witth the stool, vomit and saliva of infected persons. The second common cause of petic ulcers is the long-term use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Ulcers are also rarely caused by stomach tumors. The sever abdominal pain and vomiting exhibited by the man are typical symptoms of petic ulcers. (NDDCH web site). A serious health complication resulting from a peptic ulcer is a perforation, or hole, in the wall of the stomach or duodenum, which develops when the ulcer penetrates right through the wall. A perforated peptic ulcer leads to peritonitis, an inflammation of the thin tissue which lines the abdominal organs. Bacteria enter the peritonial cavity. The fact that the patient has a significant drop in blood pressure, along with the vomiting and abdominal pain, indicates peritonitis. (PubMed Health web site). Surgery to remove the infected bowel may be necessary in this case. This may be followed by a course of medication to eradicate the H. pylori bacteria, reduce the presence of stomach acids, and protect the lining of the stomach and duodenum. (NDDCH web

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Welcome to the World of Sony- Unless the Yen Keeps Rising Essay

Welcome to the World of Sony- Unless the Yen Keeps Rising - Essay Example It is also crucial to note that most of Sony’s customers are in the US and Europe and, therefore, making the products in these regions would save the Sony Company a lot in terms of saving on export rates. Welcome to the World of Sony- Unless the Yen Keeps Rising Contraction of the economy causes a lot of financial downfalls in many countries. Japan and the United States of America are not independent. The contraction of the economy made currencies fall, and some of the products became too expensive. The living standards become too expensive for the normal person to survive, thus† luxuries† such as televisions, mobile phones and play station games are not a priority to many. When there was the financial crisis, Japan’s business Sony got into problems. With the fall in the financial market, there was less demand because of the products were too expensive. This, in turn, led to a fall in the company’s profits. With the Japanese Yen extraordinarily strong, the export price was remarkably high and the products were too expensive. There was also a reduction in the demand of the goods. This is because of the high prices set by the company to make a profit. This made a substantial reduction in the sales, and there was a considerable drop in the export earnings. With the dollar being weak, commodities in every part of the world become quite expensive. The money got from Sony in the United States was tremendously reduced. When the dollar becomes weak, other currencies become stronger making it difficult for exporters to export because of the high export rates. This in turn makes exports less competitive, so, people would rather go for local products that are cheap.

Security issues in Online games Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Security issues in Online games - Thesis Example The intention of this study are online games that have taken the world of computers by storm. Gaming remains one of the main drivers of computer technology. It has grown like wild fire over the last 10 years and online gaming can now be found in millions of households According to Microsoft gaming is the third most important source of revenue for them on their platform after web browsing and email checking. According to Price Water copper the video game industry earned $41.9billion in 2007 and the sales is expected to cross $68.3 billion by 2012. The online gaming industry’s contribution to these figures is approximately $6.6billion and is increasing day by day. Along with the growth of internet, online gaming as also increased and along with this increase there have been the host of issues mostly concerning problematic and pervasive computer security issues. Online gaming started off as mainly single player games but this trend has changed recently and the games of today invo lve multiple players at the same time. Online security games and especially massively multiplayer online role playing games (MMORPG) suffer from such security issues directly. Some of the examples of MMIRPG games which are extremely popular among the youth are world of War crafts, second life, Everest quest, EVE online e, Star Wars and Ultima online. As the number of players grows the games are faced with the issue of authentication and cheating. If either one of these fails the credibility or the business of the game are at stake. Online gaming provides an experience which games played by a single user or even by multiple users cannot provide. One of the most important aspects of online gaming is the fact that a player is able

Friday, August 23, 2019

College Learning Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

College Learning Experience - Essay Example Having spent a couple of months in the university, I am confident to say that the experience has already altered my outlook in life and has somehow enriched my maturity. Through my interaction with my classmates and professors, I am now more receptive of the various ideas presented in the classroom and have also learned to distinguish those which are helpful and those which are of less significance. Armed with the little knowledge and skill I have learned so far, I am more determined to finish college and pursue a degree in nursing. The decision to take up nursing is based on my assessment of strength in biological sciences and my desire of sharing my innate passion of enlightening and caring for people. With a higher level of maturity, interest in learning, and time management skill, the first semester proves to be fruitful indicated not only be the higher grades that I am earning but by my social and moral growth.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Positive psychology Essay Example for Free

Positive psychology Essay As a child we are told the future is our oasis But is this really the truth when we look at the basics? When I was young and asked what I wanted to be I of course replied â€Å"just like daddy† Now I wasn’t referring to his business success I was only concerned about the love he expressed So when we are told that the future couldn’t be brighter Why do people only think about becoming an astronaut or fire fighter? What is often forgotten is the truth of the matter There is much more to life, this is just a part of the batter Making the cake is a process that is extensive. What we need to remember is that it doesn’t need to be expensive Why does one’s life have to be determined by their occupation? It has become a norm in society, almost a fixation In order to be happy one has to have a high paying job and big house Luxuries extend as a far as a Maserati or a cottage with a boathouse With this in mind, young students face great pressure and tension School has become an entity beyond comprehension It was in my understanding that we come here to learn But when I look around all I see is heads turned. Heads turned from the reality of the true meaning of life Kids only concerned with grades as if they are being forced with a knife This figurative dagger comes in the hands of universities What happened to opening the door for a girl or showing a little common courtesy? People approach university with a new hopeful attitude We can now receive self fulfillment and gratitude The reality of the situation is long, grueling hours spent with your head buried in a book No one reflects on themselves or even lifts their head to take a look. Many pass these four years with not an aspiration in mind Not even looking ahead, continuing to remain blind Then university is over, time for life to begin With endless possibility, one cannot help but grin Then it hits you, like a strike across the face Money is happiness therefore you join the rat race What is interesting about this race is that there is no winner The winner is still a rat; the only objective is to provide a better dinner What has been lost in the mix is the wisdom and prudence Any successful man would point out that our actions are rather foolish And by successful I am not referring to economic victory I am referring to the people who have shaped our history Not the Donald Trumps, Mark Zuckerberg’s or Warren Buffets These are simply the people enslaved as economic puppets I am referring to the Gandhi’s, Malcolm X’s and Martin Luther King’s The people who created change, the liberation they were able to bring I believe that with great people comes great change. This change is not as simple as a stock trade, it is long range Not only is it eternally priceless but it has a rippling effect One great person affects all around them, sometimes unknowingly or indirect When I think of inspiration I think of the president of Uruguay The poorest president in the world challenged what society sees as the way Donating 90% of his salary leaving just $1250 dollars per year to his name It makes one question why we only seek to make large sums of money or achieve great fame Don’t mistake my message for an attempt to say that we are all greedy I simply want you to be aware that life isn’t all that easy Money can solve your surface problems but this solution is temporary. Reflect on your goals and ambitions before you end up in a cemetery I feel that change is possible regardless of your situation It does not depend on your gender, race, religion or sexual orientation Change isn’t easy but we are all more than capable When life pushes you to the curb, you are hurt but unbreakable In a world that seams hopeless it is important to remember life goes on Make sure to look up, stay positive and never get withdrawn. We are all brothers and sisters part of something that is greater Be fearless and hopeful and live up to your nature We are often referred to as the careless generation who lack a work ethic But I would argue that statement is unjustified and rather pathetic We have the means to create change and it is already happening People like the Keilburger’s come across as rather baffling But when looked at in perspective they are simply two people with a dream A dream that arises a common theme. This theme is that we must love and be aware We must create a life for all that is just and fair In saying all this I am not trying to discourage I hope all your child hood dreams come to the surface There’s a world full of hope, possibility and prosperity And my wish to all is a fulfilling life of mental clarity Ultimately what it comes down to is the way we are taught as youth There is nothing more powerful then the honest truth When asked what we would like to be in our future Happiness should come to mind, the only acceptable answer.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Impact Of Variations On Project Performance

Impact Of Variations On Project Performance Given a well-structured schedule of works, the maximum project performance could be achieved if the work progress flows smoothly within the time frame and within the budget. However, it is rare that a project performs according as scheduled due to several reasons such as market conditions changes and Variations on the design drawings or contract. Therefore, the occurrence of Variations has negative impact on project performance. Thomas et al (2002:144) believe that variability generally impedes project performance. Ibbs (1997:308) concluded that Variations have tremendous effect on the project performance as the negatively affect the productivity and cost. Arain Pheng (2005:285) argued that Variations are unwanted but inevitable reality of any construction project. Hanna et al (2002:57) indicated that projects impacted by Variations causes the contractor to achieve lower productivity level than planned. There are 16 effects identified from the literature review, as shown in Figure 1 is discussed bellow. Delay in payment: Delay in payment occurred frequently due to Variations in construction projects (CII, 1990a). Variations may slow down the project progress, leading to delays in achieving the targeted dateline during construction (CII, 1995). Eventually, this may affect payment to the contractors. These delay may causes severe problems until it end up in delays in payment to the subcontractors; this is because the Contractors may not be able to pay the Sub-Contractors unless they get paid by the Employer first. Quality degradation: If occurrence of Variations is frequent, they may affect the quality of works. According to CII (1995), the quality of work was usually poor because of frequent variations because Contractors tended to compensate for the losses by doing short cut works. Productivity degradation: Interruption, delays and redirection of work that are associated with Variations have a negative impact on labour productivity. These in turn can be translated into labour cost or monetary value (Ibbs, 1997b). Hester et al. (1991) argued that the productivity of workers was expected to be greatly affected in cases where they were required to work overtime for prolonged periods to compensate for schedule delays. Thomas and Napolitan (1995) concluded that Variations normally led to disruptions and these disruptions were responsible for labour productivity degradation. The most significant types of disruptions were due to the lack of materials and information as well as the work out of sequence. Lack of material was reported as the most serious disruption, because labours could not continue their works and end up idling while waiting for the materials to be available. Hence, to manage Variations, one needed to manage these disruptions. However, the disruptive e ffects could not be avoided in many instances. Rework and demolition: Rework and demolition are frequent occurrences due to Variations in construction projects (Clough and Sears, 1994). Variations which are imposed when construction is underway or even completed, usually lead to reworks and delays in project completion (CII, 1990a). Rework and demolition are potential effects of Variations in construction, depending on the timing of the occurrence of the Variations. These effects are to be expected due to Variations during the construction phase. This is because the Variations during the design phase do not require any rework or demolition on construction sites. Logistics delays: Logistics delays may occur due to Variations requiring new materials and equipment (Fisk, 1997). Hester et al. (1991) observed that logistics delays were significant effects of Variations in construction projects. Logistics delays were experienced in construction projects where Variations in the construction phase required new materials, tools and equipments. Tarnish firms reputation: Variations are referred to as a major source of construction claims and disputes (Fisk, 1997; Kumaraswamy et al., 1998). The claims and disputes may affect the firms reputation negatively, due to unable to solve sever Variation cases. Variations also increase the possibility of professional disputes. Conventionally, Variations present problems to all the parties involved in the construction process. Poor safety conditions: Variations may affect the safety conditions in construction projects (OBrien, 1998) as changes in construction methods, materials and equipment may require, therefore additional safety measures are needed during carrying out the construction phase. Poor professional relations: A construction project is not a mere brick and mortar brought together. Rather, it creates professional relationships between parties to the contract. Each project successfully completed constitutes an added experience to participants and their reputation builds up. But disputes may arise between parties to the contract owing the occurrence of Variations. Misunderstanding may arise when the Contractor is not satisfied with the judgment of the consultant in terms of a fair valuation of a Variation. Bower (2000:264) argued that parties to a contract have been left to argue over the cost, time effects and due compensation of a Variations. Since the Contractors are pessimist of the outcome of the negotiations, they usually allow higher value than the real cost incurred. Bower (2000:264) opined that this causes the contention between parties as the Contractor continually push the client to settle the claim for additional costs while invariably feeling that the reimbursement has been insufficient. As a consequence, this can be very damaging to relationship between all parties representatives (Bower 2000:264). Charoenngam et al (2003:197) remarked that disputes between the Employer and the Contractor can occur if the Variations undertaking is not managed carefully. Harbans (2003:42) warned that unless a mutually acceptable solution is agreed by the parties, valuation of Variations would remain at the forefront of disputes and claims making their way ultimately to arbitral tribunals or the corridors of justice. Ssegawa (2002:92) revealed that more than one-third of disputes occurs pertain to how to ascertain losses arising from Variations. The excessive occurrence of Variations due to design errors or omission may undermine the professionalism of the designer. Furthermore, workers get demoralised when they demolish a portion of work that has already been done. Additional payments for contractor: Additional payments for the contractor can be a potential effect of Variations in construction projects. Variations are considered to be a common source of additional works for the Contractor (OBrien, 1998). Due to additional payments, the Contractor looks forward to Variations in the construction project because contractor benefits from the additional profit on Variations. Disputes among professionals: Like poor professional relations, disputes among professionals are also potential effects of frequent variations in construction projects. The disputes over Variations and claims are inevitable and the Variation clauses are often the source of project disputes (CII, 1986a). Clear procedures presented in the contract and fair allocation of risks can help in resolving disputes through negotiation rather than litigation (CII, 1986a). Frequent communication and strong coordination can assist in eliminating the disputes between professionals. Completion schedule delay: Various authors agree that Variations could be one of the reasons behind project time overruns or delays (Chan Yeong 1995:467, Mohamed 2001:1). It is said that a project that finished within the shortest time could, achieves some monetary savings. Unfortunately, each additional day due to occurrence of Variations on a project implies additional money. Variations issued during any various phases of construction gives negative affected to both projects completion time and cost increase (Koushki 2005:292). Hanna et al (2002:63) revealed that the more the Variations occurrence the more significant productivity losses. The productivity is the amount of output over a unit of time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Impact of the Appreciation of the New Zealand Dollar on SMEs

Impact of the Appreciation of the New Zealand Dollar on SMEs APPRECIATION OF NZ$: ITS IMPACT ON SME’s New Zealand has been considered as a distinguished economy. It is primarily because the economy faced the challenges of international economic depression and was victorious in the same. According to a report by Forbes in the year 2014, the country holds a strong rank among the safe-haven economies in the world. New Zealand’s economy has been a dynamic one (Colombo, 2014). It has experienced appreciation and depreciation of its dollar on a consequent basis. Even in the 1990s and early 2000s New Zealand’s economy acknowledged higher appreciation of its dollar due to higher interest rates which fascinated large number of capital investors (Brash, 2000; Fallow, 2013). But since 2009, the economy is emerged very strongly but this has resulted in rising level of concerns among varied sectors and industries in New Zealand (Fallow, 2013). SME which implies â€Å"Small and Medium Enterprises† play a very crucial role in the economic development of any economy across the globe (Fink and Kraus, 2009). New Zealand is no different as its economy to a large extent is supported by performance of SMEs. But defining SME is a critical job because there is not universally accepted definition. Each economy has a different definition of a SME (Abdullah and Bakar, 2000). SMEs in New Zealand are defined by the New Zealand governing bodies as those organizational set ups which operate with 20 or less number of workers / employee (Ministry of Economic Development, 2011). Most of these units are generally controlled and handled by their owners themselves. One third of New Zealand’s GDP (gross domestic product) comprises of inputs from this sector (Waikato Times, 2014). This sector has also aided in provision of employment which is evident from the fact that one third of New Zealand’s entire population is absorbed f or varied jobs (Waikato Times, 2014). Another startling fact about SME in New Zealand is that it comprises of approximately 97 % of trade and commerce through 460,000 SME set ups (Ministry of Economic Development, 2011; Waikato Times, 2014). SMEs in New Zealand have resorted to extensive internationalization. These organizations are not supported by subsidies from New Zealand’s government. But yet they have undertaken this route to overcome competitive pressures created due to presence of cheap Chinese products in domestic markets (Jaeger, 2007). Thus to gain long term sustainability these organizations have internationalized their operations. Most of the SMEs who have opted to internationalize have resorted to a unique business strategy and model of their own. This is primarily because these SMEs aim to gain competitive advantage through internalization by optimally using various available and accessible opportunities (Jaeger, 2007). These SMEs mainly focus on geographic diversity of markets and effectively of distribution channels. The markets of chosen not on basis of any technical analysis but based on SME entrepreneur’s individual choices and their understanding of market feasibility. The internationa lization adopted by SMEs in New Zealand is termed as Bricolage model. The model is depicted in diagram below. Figure 1 The Bricolage Model Source: Jaeger, 2007 USD that is United States Dollar is considered as a point of reference in the world economy (Bloomberg, 2013). No governing body or international organization has declared USD as a ruling currency (Amadeo, 2014). But yet the appreciation and depreciation of currency across world is measured against this dollar primarily because it is considered as a governing intercontinental currency in. As a matter of fact in many countries even outside America, USD is used as their formal currency. Further approximately 85 % of foreign exchange trading entail use of dollars (Amadeo, 2014). Currency depreciation against USD implies a stronger dollar which makes imports expensive for local organizations (Gwartney et al, 2014). This is mainly because dollar becomes more costly. This in turn implies more money draining out of a nation and thus negatively affecting domestic economy. Currency appreciation is a more favourable option for economies but only in the long run. Currency appreciation means det eriorating USD in comparison to domestic currency. It is mainly because domestic currency appreciation implies a stronger economy and making imports cheaper. But it also implies increased prices of exports which makes domestic economy’s products expensive in international markets. Alternatively, with cheaper imports, domestic products within local markets face stiff price competition. Though a strong appreciation of currency indicates a stable and strong economy but its pitfalls cannot be negated. In 2011-12, New Zealand’s economy experienced an augmentation of 7 % in NZ $ on a Trade Weighted Index (TWI) Basis (Tarrant, 2012). One of the major reasons behind this is economy’s potential to overcome financial spur created by varied banks across the globe (Tarrant, 2012). Some of the other reasons this currency appreciation are depreciation of US dollars, strong and optimistic credit ratings for New Zealand’s economy by international organizations, stability in international monetary markets, benevolent economic conditions, accelerating interest rates and a centre of attention for capital investments (PwC, 2014; Headey and Fan, 2008). Another reason put forward for this is slackening of economic and monetary policies by various economies (Bernanke, 2010). In this most of the central banks provide for quantitative leverage of either float newly produced currency which results in increased risk exposure at international forum (Tarrant, 2012). The appreciation of NZ $ has benefitted the economy by helping the same to control its inflationary rates and trend thus enhancing economy’s stability. New Zealand with its far sighted strategic planning has been able to overcome negative impacts of such financial spur. But this too have had its side effects in form of raising medium term interest rates (International Monetary Fund, 2010). These rising rates have made it costly for SMEs to procure bank investments and thus discoursing entrepreneurs to a large extent. Out of all the negative impacts, the worst affected due to New Zealand’s money appreciation are trade sectors, exports business and import-competing manufacturers (Tarrant, 2012). One of the major impacts of appreciation of NZ $ was evident from restricted export activities. Price responsive markets strongly reacted to such currency appreciation which was apparent in form of declining New Zealand exports (Deakins et al, 2013). As a result of this export earnings decline, many companies were forced to withdraw from international markets. This depicted a negative impact on New Zealand’s economy and SMEs. But interestingly companies having strategic approach which catered at developing strong associations with banks and providing adequate time and resources were seemed to be successful. Another impact of appreciation of NZ $ was visible in form of declining product prices which affected manufacturers and traders to a large extent. Considering the case of dairy in New Zealand, the prices of dairy products fell steeply. Dairy farmers were affected to a large extent mainly because such a price decline meant lower income (Shanghai Daily, 2014). But the situation got managed due to high export demands of New Zealand’s dairy products in China, primarily at higher prices owing to its categorization as a lavish product (Teague, 2014). With imports becoming cheap, the import-competing organizations are having a tough time in sustaining market pressures. A major chunk of New Zealand’s import is from China. Thus with currency appreciation, Chinese products which are as it is lower priced are easily spreading their tentacles within the economy. Domestic manufacturers are failing to perform primarily because people in New Zealand are offered with large number of cheaper substitutes. This has resulted in a change in disbursements pattern of its population. (Tarrant, 2012) There has been a dearth of research related to appreciation of NZ $ and its impact on SMEs. In such a scenario it is essential to study such relationships between the two to understand the dynamics of New Zealand’s markets both at national and international frontier. Therefore this study will be interesting along with being useful. This study will provide with an insight to the various SME organizations with regards to sound strategic planning so that they can benefit from such NZ $ appreciation. References Abdullah,M. and Bakar, M. (2000). Small and Medium Enterprises in Asian Pacific Countries: Roles and issues. New York: Nova Publishers Amadeo, K. (2014). World Currency: Why Dollar is the World Currency?. Available at [Accessed Sept 24, 2014] Bernanke, B. (2010). The economic outlook and monetary policy. In Speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium, Jackson Hole, (Vol. 27), Wyoming. Bloomberg (2013). Bloomberg Indexes Unveils Dynamic U.S. Dollar Benchmark. Bloomberg Finance LP Brash, (2000). The fall of the New Zealand dollar: why has it happened, and what does it mean? Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletien, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 22-27 Colombo, J. (2014). 12 Reasons Why New Zealands Economic Bubble Will End InDisaster. Available at [Accessed Sept 18, 2014] Deakins, D., Battisti, M., Perry, M. and Crick, D. (2013).Understanding Internationalisation Behaviour. New Zealand Centre for Small and Medium Enterprise Research. New Zealand Fallow, B. (2013). Strong NZ dollar only part of the story. New Zealand Herald. Dated 7th Feb, Auckland. Fink and Kraus, S. (2009). The Management ofSmall and Medium Enterprises. USA: Routledge Gwartney, J., Stroup, R., Sobel, R. and Macpherson, D. (2014). Economics: Private And Public Choice. USA: Cengage Learning Headey, D. and Fan, S. (2008). Anatomy of a crisis: the causes and consequences of surging food prices.Agricultural Economics,Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 375-391. International Monetary Fund (2010). New Zealand: 2010 Article IV Consultation Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion. International Monetary Fund Jaeger, S. (2007). How SMEs engage in the global economy – cases from New Zealand. In Oxford Business Economics Conference, UK: Oxford University. Ministry of Economic Development (2011). SMEs in New Zealand: Structure and Dynamics. New Zealand Government, New Zealand. PwC (2014). The rise and rise of the NZ dollar exchange rate – implications for the New Zealand economy. Available at [Accessed Sept 18, 2014] Shanghai Daily (2014). Dairy prices, currency appreciation trouble New Zealand producers. Shanghai Daily, dated !9th Aug, Shanghai Tarrant, A. (2012). High NZ$ keeping inflation in check, but detrimental to NZ economy, as global central banks print, RBNZ says; ‘Global easing may continue’. JDJL Limited, dated 8th Mar, Auckland. Teague, S. (2014). New Zealand dollar caught between safe-haven and EM status. EuroMoney, dated 3rd Sept, UK. Waikato Times (2014). SMEs still backbone of NZ business. Available at [Accessed Sept 25, 2014]

Monday, August 19, 2019

Civil Rights, Equality and the Music of Nina Simone Essay -- Autobiogr

Nina Simone used music to challenge, provoke, incite, and inform the masses during the period that we know as the Civil Rights Era. In the songs† Four Women†, â€Å"Young Gifted and Black†, and Mississippi God Damn†, Nina Simone musically maps a personal "intersectionality" as it relates to being a black American female artist. Kimberly Crenshaw defines "intersectionality" as an inability for black women to separate race, class and gender. Nina Simone’s music directly addresses this paradigm. While she is celebrated as a prolific artist her political and social activism is understated despite her front- line presence in the movement. According to Ruth Feldstein â€Å"Nina Simone recast black activism in the 1960’s.† Feldstein goes on to say that â€Å"Simone was known to have supported the struggle for black freedom in the United States much earlier, and in a more outspoken manner around the world than had many other African Ame rican entertainers.† Her family ties to the south, her unique talent, her ability to travel and make money are similar to the Blues women movement that preceded her. It can be said that Nina Simone goes a step further the by directly attacking inequities pertaining to race and gender in her music. However, what distinguishes her is her unique musicianship and that is what ultimately garners her massive exposure and experiences than those of her past contemporaries. Like the Blues women Simone expands ideas pertaining to self-expression, identity and beauty as they relate to black women. She does this by embracing what is definitively African American and connecting that to a historical context. By doing so she is the embodiment of a political statement. Her journey which began like many entertaine... ...utobiography Of Nina Simone, Da Capo Press; 2003. Additional Sources Consulted: Brooks, Daphne A. . "Nina Simone's Triple Play." Callaloo. 35.4 (2011): 176-194. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. . Lewis, Andrea. "Nina Simone remains a powerful inspiration for black women." Progressive. (2003): n. page. Web. 11 Feb. 2013. . Simone, Nina, perf. Mississippi Goddam. 1964. Song. Simone, Nina, perf. To Be Young, Gifted and Black. 1970. Song. Simone, Nina, perf. Four Women, 1966. Song. Tsuruta, Dorothy Randall. "`I Ain't About To Be Non-Violent, Honey.'." Black Scholar 29.2/3 (1999): 54. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 11 Feb. 2013.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Russia :: essays research papers

When examining the progress of a nation, it is vital to also see what the national psyche behind it was. In Russia the driving motivation was not always consistent. â€Å" ... [They] still had difficulty in formulating and sustaining any permanent concept of the 'state' and its interests independent of the family possessions and connections of the ruling dynasty.†(Hosking 190) As with many countries of that time, the rulers were not held accountable, and often overlooked long-term strategic goals in favor of short-term gains. Foreign policy was more a personal relationship among rulers than among nations; alliances were made, broken or not honored routinely. All of these factors made for a precarious political environment in which any leader had to operate. Russia's own unique problems required its rulers have an even greater political acumen than their purely European counterparts. There in lies the crux of Russia's biggest problems. Over the centuries from - to - Russia has expanded from a small principality to a huge polyglot of an empire; encompassing many people with many different cultures. Most Russians were not European. Although these people came from diverse geographical locations, they all shared certain beliefs that unified them. Concepts such as Pravda, the Mir, and the acceptance of suffering helped unify the empire. When Peter I wanted to Europeanize Russia he did it in a typical Russian way; out with the old, in with the new, having â€Å"... the tendency to introduce reform in total packages, rejecting previous ways as utterly wrong.† (Hosking 176) Peter I replaced the one stable and unifying set of beliefs with another set adopted from a world foreign to most everyone in the empire. This may be the reason that Russia’s Europeanization seemed to be a thin veneer under which the majority of Russians did not understand or see any benefit in europeanization. To answer the question as to whether or not Peter I was a successful ruler, it must be stated that the premise under which he ruled was â€Å"... To increase [Russia's] power and wealth and to improve the well being of its people.†(Hosking 198) To Peter that meant becoming more like Europe, and perhaps he thought this because of the great European influences on his, and on the lives of his advisors and the nobility in general. Peter saw the great armies and bureaucracies of Europe and wished to install them in Russia.

Comparing the Hero in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay

Beowulf and Sir Gawain – True Heroes Heroes come in many forms. The construction of "the heroic" has taken many forms, yet traits such as: courage, honor, and loyalty, reappear as themes throughout the "hero" personality. The characters of Beowulf and Sir Gawain each represent a version of a hero, yet each comes across quite differently in their story. A hero can be said to truly win if he remains constant to his noble values when put in any situation that crosses his way. When measured by that criterion, Sir Gawain stands out above Beowulf as a true hero, due to his command of both personal and spiritual power through the use of thought, as well as valiant deeds. The character of Beowulf stands as a hero to the ancient Danes because of his actions. He is constantly being cited as a "war-chief" and a "gold-giver" (61). Beowulf has achieved fame through what he has done with his own hands. His identity as a leader is based upon the Danish society’s emphasis on personal action, as opposed to the delegation of responsibility through conscious thought. It is this very sense which spurs Beowulf to fight the dragon: "In my youth I engaged in many wars. Old guardian of the people, I shall still seek battle, perform a deed of fame, if the evil-doer will come to me..." (59). Beowulf derives his power from a strong link to the past. Without his history of glorious deeds, he would see himself bereft of the very power which qualifies him to be a good King. Beowulf’s bravery never comes in to question, he does meet every challenge head-on, with deadly attention. The society which labels Beowulf as a legendary hero, recognizes his actions and his bravery as a integral part of his definition as a hero. Without the society to support th... ...or a chivalric Knight embodies the battle of the righteous self against corruption. Gawain’s strength comes from his discovery of his own flaws. Beowulf’s ideals concerning honor and nobility exist only within the context of his society. Remove him from other people, and his life would be meaningless. This is the true flaw of Beowulf, which the character of Gawain, by the end of his story, comes to realize. The notion of "winning" can be applied at all times to the personality of the chivalric Knight. The battleground becomes the mind, which is separate from the realm of reality. Beowulf does not have the capability to win, without the recognition of his fellow warriors. Within the mind, all sorts of battles are waged. The true winner is the person who can learn from that struggle, and who is able to apply that knowledge within both solitary and societal venues. Â  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 14

â€Å"You called us together for biblical porn?† Hugh turned away with disinterest from where the vampires and I huddled around my kitchen table. Barely a bruise showed on him anymore. Putting a cigarette to his lips, the imp produced a lighter from his coat pocket. â€Å"Don't smoke in here,† I warned. â€Å"What do you care? Are you saying you didn't smoke throughout most of the twentieth century?† â€Å"I'm not saying that at all. But I don't do it anymore. Besides, it's bad for Aubrey.† The cat, sitting on one of my counters, paused mid-bath at the sound of her name and eyed him askance. Hugh, glaring back, took a long drag on the cigarette before putting it out on the countertop next to her. She returned to her cleaning, and he paced around the apartment. Beside me, Cody leaned over the table, studying my proffered Bible. â€Å"I don't get how these guys are actually angels. ‘Sons of God' seems like a generic term for humans. I mean, aren't we all supposed to be children of God?† â€Å"Present company excluded, of course,† called Hugh from the living room. Then: â€Å"Jesus Christ! Where'd you get this bookcase? Hiroshima?† â€Å"Theoretically we are,† I agreed, ignoring the imp and answering Cody's question. I'd done a lot of biblical perusal since my earlier discovery today and was growing tired of looking at the book. â€Å"But Warren's right – that term is used throughout to refer to angels. Plus, the women here aren't called ‘daughters of God.' They're called ‘daughters of men.' They're human, their husbands are not.† â€Å"Could just be good old-fashioned sexism.† Peter had finally taken the plunge and shaved his hair off. I did not find the look flattering at all, considering the shape of his head. â€Å"It's not like that'd be a new concept in the Bible.† â€Å"Nah, I think Georgina's right,† said Hugh, returning to us. â€Å"I mean, we know something made angels fall. Lust is as good a reason as any, and it beats the hell out of gluttony or sloth.† â€Å"So what's the point then?† Peter wanted to know. â€Å"How does this relate to the not-just-a-vampire hunter?† â€Å"Here.† I pointed to verse 6:4. â€Å"It says, ‘There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.' The key words here are ‘in those days' and ‘also after that.' It's saying angels have fallen for human women more than once. This answers our question about whether angels still fall anymore. They do.† Cody was nodding along with me. â€Å"Which backs up your theory that one is trying to fall right now.† â€Å"It doesn't sound like lust is going to be his catalyst, though,† Hugh noted. â€Å"I think assault and battery will do it first.† â€Å"Unless it's lust for Georgina,† suggested Peter dryly. â€Å"He seems to think you're pretty enough.† Something odd struck me at Hugh's observation. â€Å"Would assault and battery really do it, though? Especially of vampires and imps? It might be frowned upon by the other side, but I'm not convinced taking out evil agents would necessarily warrant an angel turning into a demon.† â€Å"Past evidence suggests the other side isn't exactly†¦ flexible with transgressors,† observed the imp. â€Å"And ours is?† wondered Peter. Cody gave me a sharp look. â€Å"Are you backing out of your own theory?† â€Å"No, no. I'm suddenly reconsidering the falling bit, that's all. The ‘rogue' or ‘renegade' part might be more accurate.† â€Å"But your note did mention angels falling,† Hugh pointed out. â€Å"Surely that's indicative of something? A meaningful clue and not just a bad attempt at humor?† I thought about the note. Yes, Hugh was right. I felt certain the note's content played a role here; I just couldn't yet grasp what it meant. â€Å"Bad humor is par for the course with angels,† Peter reminded us. â€Å"At least if Carter's any indication.† I hesitated a moment, nervous about bringing up my secondary theory. They all seemed to be going along with the angel idea, however, so I figured it was now or never. â€Å"Do you guys think†¦ do you think it's possible Carter might be the one behind all of this?† Three sets of eyes turned on me in astonishment. Hugh spoke first. â€Å"What? Are you crazy? I know you two spar a lot, but Christ, if you think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Carter's one of us,† agreed Cody fiercely. â€Å"I know, I know.† I proceeded to explain the reasoning behind my accusation, citing his weird shadowing of me and subsequent conversation at Erik's. Silence fell. Finally, Peter said, â€Å"All of that is strange. But I still can't buy it. Not Carter.† â€Å"Not Carter,† agreed Hugh. â€Å"Oh, I see. Everyone's quick to implicate me for Duane, but not perfect Carter?† My ire rose at their automatic solidarity, at the idea that Carter would be above reproach. â€Å"Why does he hang out with us then? Have you ever heard of an angel doing anything like that?† â€Å"We're his friends,† said Cody. â€Å"And we're more fun,† added Hugh. â€Å"You can believe that if you want, but not me. Going from pub to pub with a demon and his cronies is the perfect setup for sabotage. He's been spying on us. You're just biased because he's such a good drinking buddy.† â€Å"And don't you think, Georgina,† warned Peter, â€Å"there's just the slightest possibility that you're the one who's biased? I admit, this crazy angel theory makes more and more sense as time goes on, but where'd Carter come from?† â€Å"Yeah,† said Hugh. â€Å"Seems like you just sort of threw him in for no good reason. Everyone knows you two don't get along.† I stared disbelievingly at the three sets of angry eyes. â€Å"I have plenty of good reason. How do you explain him being at Erik's?† The imp shook his head. â€Å"We all know Erik. Carter could have been there for the same reasons you were.† â€Å"What about the things he said?† â€Å"What did he say really?† Peter asked. â€Å"Was he like, ‘Hey Georgina, hope you got my note'? It's all pretty flimsy.† â€Å"Look, I'm not saying I have strong evidence, just that circumstantially – â€Å" â€Å"I need to go,† interjected Cody, standing up. I gave him a cold look. Had I pushed them that far? â€Å"I understand if you don't agree with me, but don't just walk out.† â€Å"No, there's something I've got to do.† Peter rolled his eyes. â€Å"You're not the only one dating now, Georgina. Cody won't admit it, but I think he's got a woman stashed somewhere.† â€Å"A live one?† asked Hugh, impressed. Cody put his coat on. â€Å"You guys don't know anything.† â€Å"Well, be careful,† I warned automatically. The tense mood was suddenly shattered, and no one seemed to be angry with me about suspecting Carter anymore. It was clear, however, that no one believed me about him either. They were dismissing my ideas like one does a child's irrational fears or imaginary friends. The vampires left together, and Hugh followed soon thereafter. I wandered off to bed, still trying to put the pieces into place. The note writer had made a reference to angels falling for beautiful women; that had to be significant. Yet, I just couldn't reconcile it with this bizarre pair of attacks on Duane and Hugh, which had more to do with violence and brutality than beauty or lust. When I got to work the next day, my e-mail inbox revealed a new message from Seth, and I feared some sort of follow-up to his date request from yesterday. Instead, he merely responded to my last message, which had been one in an ongoing conversation about his observations of the Northwest. The message's writing style and voice were as entertaining as ever, and he seemed for all the world not to have minded – or even noticed – my wacky rejection yesterday. I verified this further when I went upstairs to buy coffee. Seth sat in his usual corner, typing away, oblivious to it being Saturday. I paused and said hello, getting a typically distracted response in return. He did not mention asking me to the party, did not seem upset, and indeed apparently didn't care at all about it. I supposed I should have been grateful that he'd recovered so quickly, that he wasn't pining or breaking his heart over me, but my selfishness couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I wouldn't have minded making a slightly stronger impression on him, one that elicited some regret over my refusal. Doug and Roman, for example, hadn't let one rejection deter them. What a fickle creature I was. Thinking of both of them reminded me I was meeting Roman later to go to Doug's concert. I grew heady at the thought of seeing Roman again, though apprehension tinged the feeling. I didn't like him having this effect on me, and I had thus far demonstrated no aptitude in refusing his advances. We were going to reach a critical point one of these days, and I feared for its outcome. I suspected that when it did come, I would wish Roman had bowed out of my pursuit so easily as Seth seemed to have. Such worries vanished from my mind that evening when I admitted Roman into my apartment. He wore dress clothing all done in elegant shades of blue and silvery gray, every hair and fold perfectly in place. He flashed me one of those devastating smiles, and I made sure my knees didn't start knocking, schoolgirl style. â€Å"You do realize this is a post-grunge, punk rock, ska -type of concert we're going to. Most everyone else will be in jeans and T-shirts. Maybe some leather here and there.† â€Å"Most good dates do end in leather.† His eyes took in the sights of the apartment, lingering briefly on the bookcase. â€Å"But didn't you say this was a late show?† â€Å"Yup. Starts at eleven.† â€Å"That gives us four hours to burn, love. You're going to have to change.† I looked down at my black jeans and red tank top. â€Å"This won't work?† â€Å"That does wonderful things for your legs, I admit, but I think you're going to want a skirt or dress. Something like you wore swing dancing, only maybe†¦ steamier.† â€Å"I'm pretty sure I've never heard the word ‘steamy' applied to any of my wardrobe.† â€Å"I find that hard to believe.† He pointed down my hall. â€Å"Go. The clock is ticking.† Ten minutes later I returned in a clingy, navy dress made of georgette. It had spaghetti straps and an asymmetrical hemline, jagged and ruffled, that rose high on my left leg. I had taken my hair out of its ponytail and now wore it long over my shoulders. Roman looked up from where he'd been having meaningful, eye-to-eye communication with Aubrey. â€Å"Steamy.† He pointed to the King James Bible sitting on my coffee table. It was open, like he'd been perusing. â€Å"I never took you for the churchgoing type.† Both Seth and Warren had made similar jokes. That thing was ruining my reputation. â€Å"Just something I'm researching. It's only been moderately useful.† Roman stood up and stretched. â€Å"Probably because that's one of the worst translations out there.† I remembered the plethora of Bibles. â€Å"Is there a better one you'd recommend?† He shrugged. â€Å"I'm no expert, but you'd probably get more out of one meant for research, not devotional use. Annotated ones. Ones that they use in college classes.† I filed the information away, wondering if the mystery verses might still have more to reveal. For now, I had a date to contend with. We ended up at a small, hidden Mexican restaurant I'd never been to. The waiters spoke Spanish – as did Roman, it turned out – and the food had not been watered down for Americans. When two margaritas appeared on our table, I realized Roman had ordered one for me. â€Å"I don't want to drink tonight.† I recalled how flaky I'd been the last time we went out. He stared at me like I'd just declared I was going to stop breathing for a change. â€Å"You have to be kidding. This place makes the best margaritas north of the Rio Grande.† â€Å"I want to stay sober tonight.† â€Å"One won't kill you. Take it with food, and you won't even notice.† I stayed silent. â€Å"For Christ's sake, Georgina, just try the salt. One taste and you'll be hooked.† I reluctantly ran my tongue around the edge. It triggered a longing to taste tequila that rivaled my succubus urge for sex. Giving in against my better judgment, I took a sip. It was fantastic. The food was too, not surprisingly, and I ended up having two margaritas, instead of just the one. Roman proved to be right about drinking with food, fortunately, and I only felt mildly buzzed. I did not feel out of control and knew I could handle things until the sobering up began. â€Å"Two more hours,† I told him as we left the restaurant. â€Å"Got something else in mind?† â€Å"Sure do.† He inclined his head across the street, and I followed his motion. Miguel's. I racked my brain. â€Å"I've heard of that place†¦ wait, they do salsa dancing there, don't they?† â€Å"Yup. Ever tried it?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"What? I thought you were a dancing queen.† â€Å"I'm not done with swing yet.† Truthfully, I was dying to try salsa. Like Seth Mortensen's books, though, I did not like to burn through too much of a good thing too fast. I still enjoyed swing and wanted to run it into the ground before I switched dances. Long life tended to make one savor things more. â€Å"Well, now you'll just have to multitask.† Taking my hand, he led me across the street. I tried to protest but couldn't really explain my reasoning to him, and so, like the margaritas, I gave in fairly easily. The club was warm and packed with bodies, and the music was to die for. My feet immediately began counting out beats as Roman paid our entrance fee and led me to the dance floor. Just like with swing, he turned out to be an expert at salsa, and I found myself easily catching on after a few practices. I might not have demonstrated much talent for standing my ground against margaritas, but I had been dancing for centuries. The skill was fused into me. Salsa turned out to be a lot sexier than swing. Not that swing wasn't sexy, mind you, but salsa had a dark, sinuous edge about it. One couldn't help but focus on the closeness of the other person's body, the way hips moved together. I now knew what Roman had meant about steamy. After about a half hour, we took a break, and he led us to the bar. † Mojitosnow,† he told me, holding up two fingers for the bartender. â€Å"In keeping with our Latin theme tonight.† â€Å"I can't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  But the mojitos appeared without my counsel and turned out to be pretty damned good. We finished them faster than we should have, so we could get back out on the floor. By the time we had to leave for Doug's concert, post-grunge, punk rock, ska -type music didn't sound so good anymore. I was exhilarated from dancing, hot and sweaty, and I'd gone through another mojito and a tequila chaser. I knew I'd found a new passion in salsa and silently cursed Roman for what would probably become a dancing addiction, even though I had exalted in the movement. His body had moved with a seductive grace, brushing against mine in a way that left me quivering and aching. We stumbled out into the street, holding hands, breathless and laughing. The world spun around me slightly, and I decided it was probably just as well we'd left when we did. My motor controls had stopped operating at normal levels. â€Å"Okay, where'd we park?† â€Å"You've got to be kidding,† I told him, jerking him around the corner where I could see the soft glow of a yellow taxi. â€Å"We have to take a cab.† â€Å"Come on, I'm not that bad.† But he had the wisdom to protest no further, and we caught the taxi up to the brewery in Greenlake. People milled in and out of the building; there had been two other performances before Doug's. As I had feared, our posh dancing clothing looked hopelessly out of place among the rough and tumble ware of the college-aged, but it no longer seemed the big deal it had when Roman picked me up. â€Å"Don't get caught up in fashion games,† he advised as we squeezed our way inside the packed brewery. â€Å"These kids probably think we're old, nark conformists or something, but really, they're just conforming in their own ways. They're conforming to nonconformity.† I scanned for the bookstore crew, hoping they'd secured a table. â€Å"Oh no. You don't wax political when you're drunk, do you?† â€Å"No, no. I just get tired of people always trying to fit a mold, trying to toe some line, regardless if it's right or left. I'm proud to be the best-dressed person in this room. Make your own rules, that's what I say.† I spotted Beth and dragged Roman over to a table on the other side of the room. Other bookstore natives sat with her: Casey, Andy, Bruce – and Seth. My stomach sank. â€Å"Nice dress,† said Bruce. â€Å"We saved you a seat.† Casey indicated a chair. â€Å"I didn't realize you'd have a†¦ friend.† The chair situation held little concern for me. All I could feel were Seth's eyes on me, his face thoughtful but neutral. Flushing, I felt like a complete idiot and wished I could just turn around and leave. After refusing him with my stupid tirade about not dating, here I was, hand in hand, drunk off my ass with Roman. I couldn't even imagine what Seth must think of me now. â€Å"Not a problem,† Roman declared, oblivious to my churning emotions and unfazed by my colleagues' bemused attention. He sat down in the chair, pulling me onto his lap. â€Å"We'll share.† Andy made a bar run, bringing back beers for all of us except Seth who, just like with caffeine, chose to abstain. Roman and I explained where we'd been, lauding salsa as the world's new greatest pastime, thus earning demands from the others that I start up a second wave of dance lessons. Doug's group soon came on stage, and we all cheered appropriately at the sight of Doug-the-assistant-manager turned Doug-the-lead-singer of Nocturnal Admission. Beer kept coming, and while continuing to drink was probably the stupidest thing I could have done, I was beyond the point where I could reasonably stop. Besides, I had too many other things to worry about. Like avoiding eye contact with a thus-far-silent Seth. And savoring the feel of being on top of Roman, his chest against my back and arms around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder, giving him easy access to whisper in my ear and occasionally run his lips by my neck. The hardness I felt underneath my thighs suggested I wasn't the only one getting something out of this seating arrangement. Doug came to talk to us during a break, covered in sweat but thoroughly ecstatic. He took in the sight of me plastered on Roman. â€Å"You're a little overdressed, aren't you, Kin- caid?† He reconsidered. â€Å"Or under. Hard to say.† â€Å"You're one to talk,† I shot back, finishing my†¦ second†¦ or was it third†¦ beer. Doug wore tight, red vinyl pants; combat boots; and a long, purple velvet jacket left open to expose his chest. A ragged top hat perched jauntily on his head. â€Å"I'm part of the entertainment, babe.† â€Å"So am I, babe.† Some of the others chuckled. Doug's expression turned disapproving, but he said nothing to me, instead making some comment to Beth about the number of people who had turned out for the show. I entered that weird sort of tunnel vision that occurs sometimes with alcohol, where I became so consumed with my own buzzing, swirling perceptions that the conversation and noise around me blurred to an indistinct drone, and faces and colors faded out to an irrelevant background separate from my existence. Indeed, all I really felt was Roman. Every nerve in me was screaming, and I wished the hands he rested on my stomach would slide up to touch my breasts. I could already feel my nipples hardening under the thin fabric and wondered what it'd be like to turn around and ride him like I had Warren†¦ â€Å"Restroom,† I suddenly exclaimed, clambering ungracefully off Roman. It was weird how one's bladder could turn from tolerable to unbearable so quickly. â€Å"Where's the restroom here?† The others looked at me strangely, or so it seemed to me. â€Å"Back there,† pointed Casey, her voice sounding far away despite her close proximity. â€Å"You okay?† â€Å"Yeah.† I pushed a slipping strap up. â€Å"I just need to use the restroom.† And get away from Roman, I silently added, so I can think about things clearly. Not that that last feat would probably be possible in my current state. Roman started to rise, as drunk and fumbling as me. â€Å"I'll go with you – â€Å" â€Å"I will,† offered Doug hastily. â€Å"I need to get back there anyway before the next set.† Taking my arm, he wound us through the people toward a less-populated back hallway. I staggered slightly as we went, and he slowed his pace to help. â€Å"How much have you had to drink?† â€Å"Before or after I got here?† â€Å"Holy shit. You are trashed.† â€Å"You got a problem with it?† â€Å"Hardly. How do you think I spend most of my nights off?† We paused outside the ladies' restroom. â€Å"I bet Seth thinks I'm a lush.† â€Å"Why would he think that?† â€Å"You don't see him drinking. He's such a fucking purist. Him and his stupid no caffeine and no alcohol shit.† Doug's dark eyes flickered in surprise at my language. â€Å"Not all nondrinkers despise drinkers, you know. Besides, Seth's not the one I'm worried about. I'm more concerned about Mr. Happy Hands out there.† I blinked, confused. Then: â€Å"You mean Roman?† â€Å"You've come a long way from refusing to date to practically making out in public.† â€Å"So?† I countered hotly. â€Å"Can't I be with someone? Aren't I entitled to do something for a change that's actually something I want to do, not something I have to do?† My words came out with more bitter truth – and volume – than I intended. â€Å"Of course,† he soothed, â€Å"but you aren't yourself tonight. You're going to do something stupid if you're not careful. Something you'll regret later. You should ask Casey or Beth to take you home – â€Å" â€Å"Oh, you're a piece of work,† I exclaimed. I knew I was being irrational, that I'd never have turned on Doug sober, but I couldn't stop. â€Å"Just because I won't go out with you, just because I choose to fuck Warren or someone else, then you have to step in and try to keep me pure and untouched. If you can't have me, then no one can, is that it?† Doug blanched, and a few passersby stared at us. â€Å"Christ, Georgina, no – â€Å" â€Å"You're such a fucking hypocrite,† I yelled at him. â€Å"You have no right to tell me what to do! No fucking right.† â€Å"I'm not, I – â€Å" I didn't listen to what else he had to say. Turning, I stormed into the ladies' restroom, the only place I could go to escape these men. When I'd finished and gone to wash my hands, I looked up in the mirror. Did I look trashed? My cheeks were pink, some of the waves in my hair a little limper than when I'd started the evening. And I was sweating. Not too trashed, I decided. I could be a lot worse. I felt hesitant to leave the restroom, fearing Doug waited for me. I didn't want to talk to him. Another woman came in with a lit cigarette, and I bummed one off her, smoking it in its entirety while I crouched in a corner to kill time. When I heard the band kick up again, I knew it was safe. I walked out of the restroom and ran straight into Roman. â€Å"Are you okay?† he asked, his hands catching me around the waist to steady me. â€Å"I was worried when you didn't come back.† â€Å"Yeah†¦ I'm fine†¦ er, no, I don't know,† I admitted, leaning into him, wrapping my arms around him. â€Å"I don't know what's going on. I feel so strange.† â€Å"It's all right,† he told me, patting my back. â€Å"Everything's going to be all right. Do you need to leave? Is there anything I can do?† â€Å"I†¦ don't know†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I pulled away slightly, looking up into his eyes. Those blue-green depths were drowning me, and suddenly, I didn't care. I don't know who started it – it could have been either of us – but suddenly we were kissing, there in the middle of the hallway, arms pulling each other tighter, lips and tongues working furiously. The alcohol enhanced my base physical response yet numbed my awareness of succubus energy absorption. It must have still been working in spite of my inability to sense it, however, because Roman abruptly pulled away from me, looking aghast. â€Å"Weird†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He put a hand to his forehead. â€Å"I feel†¦ dizzy all of a sudden.† He hesitated a moment then shook it off, pulling me toward him again. Just like all the others. They never caught on that it was me doing it, me hurting them, so they still came back for more. His pause had been what I needed to gain some tiny sense of clarity in my drunken cloud. What had I done? What had I let myself become tonight? Every interaction with Roman had pushed me past another boundary. First I'd said we wouldn't date. Then I'd confined us to limited dates. Tonight I'd sworn I wouldn't drink, and now I could barely stand up from all the booze. Kissing was another taboo I had just broken. And it would only lead to the inevitable†¦ In my mind's eye, I could see us after sex. Roman would sprawl, pale and exhausted, drained of his life. That energy would crackle through me like an electric current, and he would stare at me, weak and confused, unable to comprehend what he no longer had. Depending on how much I stole from him, he would lose years off his life. Some sloppy succubi had even been known to kill victims by drinking too much life too fast. â€Å"No†¦ no†¦ don't.† I pushed him away, unwilling to see that future realized, but his arm still held me. Looking beyond him, I suddenly caught sight of Seth coming down the hallway. He froze when he saw us, but I was too preoccupied to pay any attention to the writer. I was a hair's breath away from kissing Roman again, from taking him somewhere – anywhere – where we could be alone and naked, where I could do all the things I'd fantasized doing with him. Another kiss†¦ another kiss, and I would not be able to stop. I wanted it too much. I wanted to be with someone I wanted. Just once after all these years. And that was exactly why I couldn't do it. â€Å"Georgina†¦Ã¢â‚¬  began Roman confusedly, hands still on me. â€Å"Please,† I begged, my voice a whisper, â€Å"let me go. Please let me go. You have to let me go.† â€Å"What's wrong? I don't understand.† â€Å"Please let me go,† I repeated. â€Å"Let me go!† The sudden volume of my own voice startled me, giving me a small boost of will to break from his grasp. He reached toward me, saying my name, but I stepped back. I sounded hysterical, like a crazy woman, and Roman was looking at me rightfully so. â€Å"Don't touch me. Don't. Touch. Me!† My anger was more at myself, at my life, than it was at him. A terrible rage and frustration, amplified by alcohol, coursed through me at the universe. The world wasn't fair. It wasn't fair that some people had perfect lives. That beautiful civilizations should fall to dust. That babies should be born with only a handful of breaths. That I should be trapped in this cruel joke of an existence. An eternity of making love without love. â€Å"Georgina†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Don't touch me. Ever again. Please,† I whispered hoarsely, and then, I did the only thing left to me. Escape. I ran. I turned from him and ran down the hall, away from Roman, away from Seth, away from the main seating area. I didn't know where I was going, but it would keep me safe. Would keep Roman safe. I might not be able to heal my own pain, but I could prevent any more from coming to him. My poor coordination and desperation made me run into people who responded with varying degrees of politeness to my mania. Was Roman behind me? I didn't know. He'd drunk at least as much as I had; his coordination couldn't be any better. If I could just be alone, I could shape-shift or go invisible and get out of here†¦ I burst through a door, and a wave of cool night air suddenly engulfed me. Gasping, I looked around. I stood in the back parking lot. It was packed with cars, and a few people smoking pot lingered around, most not paying attention to me. The door I'd come through opened, and I turned, expecting Roman. Instead, I saw Seth, looking anxious. â€Å"Stay away from me,† I warned. He held up his hands, palms forward in an appeasing gesture as he approached me slowly. â€Å"Are you okay?† I took two steps back, fumbling for my purse. â€Å"I'm fine. I just have to†¦ have to get away from here†¦ get away from him.† I pulled out my cell phone, intending to call one of the vampires. It slipped from my hands, dodged my attempts to catch it, and hit the asphalt with a sickening crack. â€Å"Oh shit.† Kneeling down, I picked up the phone, looking with dismay at the gibberish on the display. â€Å"Shit,† I repeated. Seth knelt by me. â€Å"What can I do?† I looked up at him, his face swimming in my blurred vision. â€Å"I have to get out of here. I have to get away from him.† â€Å"Okay. Come on. I'll take you home.† Seth took my arm, and I had a faint recollection of being led a few blocks to some dark-colored car. He helped me inside and drove away. Leaning back, I sank into the motion of the drive, letting it pull me under, the backward and forward of inertia, backward and forward, backward and forward†¦ â€Å"Pullover.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Pull over now!† He complied, and I opened the door, expelling the contents of my stomach onto the street outside. When I had finished, Seth waited a moment before asking, â€Å"Are you okay to keep going?† â€Å"Yeah.† But a few minutes later, I made him pull over and repeated the process. â€Å"This†¦ car ride is killing me,† I gasped once we were on the road again. â€Å"I can't stay in the car. The motion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Seth's brow furrowed, and he suddenly made a hard right that nearly set me to throwing up inside the car. â€Å"Sorry,† he said. We drove a few more minutes, and I was on the verge of asking him to pull over again when the car stopped. He helped me out, and I looked around, not recognizing the building in front of us. â€Å"Where are we?† â€Å"My place.† He ushered me inside, straight to a bathroom where I promptly knelt and paid homage to the toilet, again releasing more liquid than I had realized was in me. I felt distantly aware of Seth behind me, pulling my hair out of the way. Dimly, I remembered that higher immortals like Jerome and Carter could be affected by alcohol as little or as much as they liked, choosing to sober up at will. Bastards. I don't know how long I knelt there before Seth gently helped me to my feet. â€Å"Can you stand?† â€Å"I think so.† â€Å"It's†¦ uh†¦ in your hair and on your dress. I think you'll want to change.† I looked down at the navy georgette and sighed. â€Å"Steamy.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Never mind.† I started pulling the straps down so I could get out of the dress. His eyebrows rose, and he hastily turned away. â€Å"What are you doing?† he asked in a forcibly normal voice. â€Å"I need to shower.† Naked, I stumbled over and turned on the water. Seth, still not looking at me, retreated to the door. â€Å"You won't fall or anything?† â€Å"I hope not.† I stepped into the water, gasping at its heat. I leaned against the tiled wall and just let the heavy stream power-wash me, the shock momentarily rousing my wits. Looking up, I saw that Seth was gone, the bathroom door closed. I sighed and shut my eyes, wanting to sink to my knees and pass out. Standing there, I thought again about Roman, about how good it had felt to kiss him. I didn't know what he would think of me now, not after how I'd acted. When I turned off the water and stepped out, the bathroom door opened a crack. â€Å"Georgina? Use these.† A towel and an oversize T-shirt were tossed through before the door closed again. I dried myself off and put on the shirt. It was red and had a picture of Black Sabbath on it. Nice. The activity took its toll, however, and a wave of nausea rolled over me again. â€Å"No,† I moaned, making for the toilet. The door opened. â€Å"Are you okay?† Seth came in and pulled my hair back once more. I waited but nothing came. Finally, I stood uneasily. â€Å"I'm all right. I need to lie down.† He led me out of the bathroom and into a bedroom with an unmade queen-sized bed. I collapsed onto it, pleased to be flat and stationary, even though the room continued to spin. He sat down gingerly on the bed's edge, watching me uncertainly. â€Å"I'm sorry about this,† I told him. â€Å"Sorry you had to†¦ do all this.† â€Å"It's okay.† I closed my eyes. â€Å"Relationships suck. This is why I don't date. You just hurt people.† â€Å"Most good things come with the risk of something bad,† he observed philosophically. I remembered the letter he'd sent me, about the long-term girlfriend he'd neglected for his writing. â€Å"Would you do it again?† I asked. â€Å"Go out with that one girl? Even if you knew things would turn out exactly the same?† A pause. â€Å"Yes.† â€Å"Not me.† â€Å"Not me what?† I opened my eyes and looked up at him. â€Å"I was married once.† It was the kind of drunken admission one made fully aware that it would never have been spoken sober. â€Å"Did you know that?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"No one does.† â€Å"It didn't work out then?† Seth asked when I didn't say anything for a minute. I couldn't help a bitter laugh. Didn't work out? That was an understatement. I had been weak and foolish, giving into the same physical urges that had nearly led me into disaster with Roman. Only with Ariston, I couldn't claim drunkenness for that slip. I had been dead sober, and honestly, I think I'd been planning it for a long time anyway. We both had. He'd come over one day for another visit, only this time we didn't talk much. I think we were past conversation by then. We'd both been restless, pacing and standing, making small talk that neither of us really listened to. My attention was on his physical presence – on his body and the powerful muscles in his arms and legs. The air was so thick with sexual tension it was a wonder we could move at all. I walked to the window, staring at nothing as I listened to him pacing the rest of the house. A moment later he returned, this time standing behind me. His hands suddenly rested on my shoulders, the first deliberate touch he'd ever made. His fingers burned me like a brand, and I shivered, making his hold tighten as he stepped closer to me. â€Å"Letha,† he said in my ear, â€Å"you know†¦ you know I think about you all the time. I think about what it would be like to†¦ be with you.† â€Å"You're with me now.† â€Å"You know that's not what I mean.† He turned me around to face him, and his gaze was like hot oil running over my body, slick and scorching. Trailing his hands up my neck, he cupped my face for a moment. He leaned down and held his mouth a breath away from mine. Then, his tongue darted out and lightly ran over my lips, the barest of caresses. My lips parted, and I leaned forward to take more, but he stepped away with a small smile. One of his hands moved down to my shoulder, to the clasp that held my gown together, and unfastened it. The fabric slid off me, pooling around me on the floor, so I stood naked before him. His eyes blazed, taking in every part. I should have felt embarrassed or shy, but I didn't. I felt wonderful. Desired. Adored. Wanted. Powerful. â€Å"I would do anything, anything at all to have you right now,† he whispered. His hands traveled down my shoulders to the sides of my breasts, to my waist, and then my hips. My mother had always said my hips were too skinny, but under his hands, they felt lush and sexy. â€Å"I would kill for you. I would go to the ends of the earth for you. I would do anything at all that you ask. Anything just to feel your body against mine and your legs wrapped around me.† â€Å"No one's ever said anything like that to me.† I was surprised at how calmly my voice came out. Inside, I was melting. I would hear variations of his promises for the next millennium or so, from a hundred different men, but at the time, the words were fresh and new. Ariston'slips turned up in a rueful smile. † Kyriakosmust say things like that all the time.† There was an arch tone to his voice, reminding me that even though the two men were longtime friends, there had always been a rivalry underscoring that friendship. â€Å"No. He makes love to me with his eyes.† â€Å"I want to use a lot more than my eyes.† In that moment, I suddenly understood the power women had over men. It was surprising and exhilarating. Never mind issues of property and politics; it was in the bedroom that women ruled. With flesh and sheets and sweat. The knowledge filled me, rushing through me with an arousal stronger than any aphrodisiac could produce. I thrived on it, liking this newfound clout. I think it was this revelation that would later make the powers of hell cast me as a succubus. I reached out trembling hands to him and began removing his tunic. He stood still as I undressed him, but every inch of him quivered with heat and longing. His breathing came heavy and fast as I studied his body now, noticing all the ways it was the same as Kyriakos ‘ and all the ways it was different. I moved my fingertips over him, lightly touching the tanned flesh, the well-defined muscles, the nipples. Then my hands moved lower, below his stomach, wrapping around the long, hard length they found there. Ariston emitted a soft groan but did not move toward me yet. He was still waiting for my consent. I raised my eyes from my fondling hands and looked into his face. He really would have done anything for me. That awareness increased my need for him. â€Å"You can do anything you want to me,† I told him finally. I made it sound like a concession, but truthfully, I wanted him to do anything he wanted. My words broke the spell that had been holding us apart. It was like a damn bursting. Like exhaling after holding your breath for too long. A rush. A release. My body nearly tumbled into his, like it had been straining and straining at bindings that had finally been cut. Touching him made me realize we should have been touching long before this. He jerked me into a harsh kiss, jamming his tongue into my mouth as his hands moved under me to grab the backs of my thighs. In one motion, he hoisted me up and pressed my back against the wall. My legs wrapped around his hips, needing him closer to me, and then with one hard thrust, he was inside. I don't know if I was too tight or he was too big – maybe both – but it hurt in a sort of pleasurable way. I let out a surprised cry, but he didn't stop to see if I was okay. The passion had seized him, that animalistic urge locked deep into our blood that ensures the continuation of our species. He focused only on his own pleasure now as he pushed into me, over and over, harder and harder, seeming to thrive on every moan and scream that crossed my lips. I wouldn't have thought I could find release in such rough sex, but I did – more than once. Each time, it came as a great, consuming wave of sensation, starting deep within me and spreading throughout my body, rubbing every nerve, covering every piece of me until I was completely saturated. Then the wave would explode into glittering fragments, leaving me warm and tender and breathless. Like being shattered then remade. It was exquisite. Each of these orgasms seemed to drive him more urgently until his own climax came. This time, I was the one thriving on his release, digging my nails into his back as tightly as I could, holding on to him, bringing the episode to a shuddering, gasping end. And yet, it wasn't the end because in only a little while, he was ready again. He took me to my bed and this time put me on my knees, leaning into me from behind. â€Å"I've heard the old women say this is the best position for conceiving a child,† he whispered. I had only a moment to ponder this before he was in me again, still rough and demanding. I considered his words as he pumped away, that maybe he would be the one who gave me a child after all, not Kyriakos. The realization made me feel strange, eager yet regretful. Aristonfelt no such regret when we lay back on the blankets later in the afternoon, both of us exhausted and spent as warm sun spilled in over us through the window. â€Å"The lack could be in Kyriakos,† he explained. â€Å"Not you. With as many times as I've had you today, you can't help but get pregnant.† He sucked my earlobe and wrapped his arms around me from behind, letting his hands rest on my breasts. â€Å"I've filled you up, Letha.† His voice was low and proprietary, like he'd just gained something more tangible than sex. Suddenly I wondered who really did have the power in the bedroom after all. I lay against him, wondering what I had done and what I wanted to do now. How did one go back to being a wife after being someone else's goddess? I never got to decide, however, because the next thing I heard was Kyriakos calling me from the front of the house, home too early. Ariston and I both sat up, startled. My fingers fumbled as I tried to get the blankets off me, tangling in the fabric. My dress. I needed to find my dress. But it wasn't here, I realized. I'd left it in the other room. Maybe, I thought desperately, I could get to it before Kyriakos found us. Maybe I could move fast enough. But it turned out I couldn't. In the present, all I said to Seth was: â€Å"Yeah. It didn't work out. Not at all. I cheated on him.† â€Å"Oh.† A pause. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because I could. It was stupid.† â€Å"That's why you don't date?† â€Å"Everything about that hurt too much. No good justified the bad.† â€Å"You can't know that the next one will turn out badly. Things change.† â€Å"Not for me.† I closed my eyes to hide the tears welling up. â€Å"I'm going to pass out now.† â€Å"Okay.† He might have left or he might have stayed; I didn't know. I simply slept, lost in black, numbing sleep.